From Here to Eternity is probably best remembered (if remembered at all) for the iconic scene between Burke Lancaster and Deborah Kerr embracing on the beach in the surf. However the most memorable thing about this movie to me was the performance by Montgomery Clift as Private Prewitt. Really every performance in this picture is above average, but Clift's really sticks out. The man is intense, that's just the best way to describe it, and there is something disturbing about his character's path from remorseful fighter to vengeful killer. Of course I chose to watch this film because Frank Sinatra co-stars in it as Private Angelo Maggio and Frankie's acting in this picture is arguably the best of his career. The scene where he drunkenly rolls olives as dice (coincidentally that scene was his screen test and the dice roll was an ad-lib) is pure gold. Montgomery and Frank both won themselves Oscars for their portrayals, and the movie itself won eight overall, tying Gone With the Wind for the most wins at the time. I enjoyed the movie a good deal more than I expected I would going in and I definitely give it two thumbs up. SPOILER ALERT The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor.
I didn't make that up, that's the actual line being delivered. Mid-battle too. Classic.
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