Friday, February 13, 2009

Random Updates

Chris Brown is now a complete bastard

The Grammy performances felt a little pedestrian this year

The awards were okay, Raising Sand is a good album but it puts me to sleep whenever i try to listen to it

Even at this point in my life i still enjoy watching Naruto

I bought Persona 4 in December, I've sunk 57 hours of my life into it, and I still haven't beat it

Penny Arcade continues to be the funniest damn thing on the interweb

I have a bigger post brewing in my head about the Amare Stoudemire situation, I'll probably wait for the trade deadline to pass, see what happens, and then explode in tears when Steve Nash's championship window officially closes

No matter how hard i try, and even with the help of fellow SpotCaster Tom Collins, I can't beat even one level in the Resident Evil 5 demo

I saw Taken and I liked it

Don't listen to Usher's Here I Stand unless you're a hardcore Usher fan

The SpotCast is available on iTunes, so go get it, or wait until later today when this week's episode will be up

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